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The Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust

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About The Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Voluntary Academy Trust

The Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust came into being on 1st October 2014. The Diocese of Leeds had determined to divide the Diocese into a number of areas to facilitate those schools converting to Academy status and to help them to work together to strengthen and protect Catholic education. Our Trust consists of fifteen Catholic Academies across the local authority areas of Kirklees and Calderdale. These can be seen under the tab 'Our Schools'. 

The Catholic Voluntary Academies which form the Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust are distinctive as we provide grounding in the Catholic Faith for all our children. The special character of our Catholic academies is the quality of the religious teaching, integrated into the overall education of our children. Our beliefs, which are Gospel centred, affect the way we live, making our academies living examples of Christ and His teachings.

“Education is not and must never be considered as purely utilitarian. It is about forming the human person, equipping him or her to live life to the full – in short it is about imparting wisdom. And true wisdom is inseparable from knowledge of the Creator.’” (Pope Benedict XVI, Address to Teachers and Religious Leaders, Twickenham, September 2010).

Our Academies therefore operate and are informed by the following four key principles of Christian formation:

• Places of Discipleship

• Places where Communities are created

• Places of Learning

• Places where we treasure God’s World

In light of the above principles, the Trust aims to:
• Ensure secure, welcoming and engaging environments in which all individuals learn to value and respect both themselves and others
• Provide all individuals with the opportunities to achieve excellence, to develop their full potential as human beings and to encourage and challenge them to do so
• Uphold the unshakable belief in the unique potential of each child, student and member of staff
• Provide a curriculum that initiates students into the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills they need to become mature Christian adults in their personal, social, family and working lives.