Trust Central Team
Rob PritchardChief Executive Officer
Rob Pritchard
Nawaid AurangzebDirector of Finance
Nawaid Aurangzeb
Nawaid joined the Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust in February 2015, Nawaid is a Chartered Accountant and an experienced CFO with a background in financial management, budgets development and business leadership. Nawaid has over 25 years of experience as finance professional working within different sectors including auditing within the academies sector and heading finance in the private sector.
Nawaid oversees the financial operations of the Trust he heads up the finance and operations team who are committed to working collaboratively to deliver the best possible finance service to the Trust academies. Nawaid leads on all aspects of finance, including the provision of an effective framework of financial controls, efficient processes and systems; and strategic performance, risk and decision analysis.
Claire HamiltonDirector of Safeguarding
Claire Hamilton
Claire joined the Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust in July 2023. Claire began her working career as a police officer serving for 16 years. Claire is an experienced child protection investigator with expertise in securing and recording evidence from child witnesses and knowledge of criminal procedure. After policing Claire become a teacher of children with SEND for a secondary SEND provision where she took on the roles of Designated Safeguarding Lead, Maths Lead, Mental Health and Character Education Lead and Thrive Practitioner. Most recently, Claire held the position of Education Co-ordinator for the Multi Agency Safeguarding Team at Calderdale Children’s Social Care where she represented the voice of education in S47 Strategy discussions, MARAC and PREVENT panels. Claire also provided regular training for DSL training and DSL network events. With a background in safeguarding from three partner agencies, she hopes to bring insight, knowledge and expertise to the Blessed Peter Snow Trust enabling us to protect all of our children to the best of our abilities, allowing them to thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.
David HoldsworthChief Operating Officer
David Holdsworth
David joined the Trust's central team in 2022 after having over 20 years of commercial experience in the private sector.
Throughout previous roles within finance and property departments, he showed the ability to communicate effectively with key stakeholders, analyse to drive efficiencies and strive for operational excellence.
David’s roles within the Property department included responsibility for the management contract division, the master franchise division and Estate projects, including lease re-gears, subletting’s, major property refurbishments and the implementation of a property data system.
David's accumulated experience and business acumen allow him to add value to the Bless Peter Snow Trust.
David HymasGovernance Manager
David Hymas
David joined the Blessed Peter Snow Trust in 2023 from All Saints Catholic College in Huddersfield. He has served as a Foundation Governor, Staff Governor and Chair of Governors over the past seven years. David was educated in Catholic schools in Bradford and feels passionate about offering the same holistic formation that he received to the students of the Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust. Prior to working in the education sector, David was a squash and racketball coach working across the North East. He completed Assistant Coach, Head Coach and Regional Coach roles before joining England Squash serving as the Development Coach.
Helen BlanchardHR Manager
Helen Blanchard
Helen joined the Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust as HR Manager from a background of HR in a globally renowned retail company where she had previously been a Department Sales Manager.
Prior to working in HR, Helen worked in primary education as a Class Teacher in EYFS and KS1. With the joint knowledge and experience of education and HR, Helen is well equipped to provide best HR practices to ensure all teachers and staff in the trust feel they are in a secure, fair and valued environment. A well supported staff is the foundation to all our students thriving in education.
Lois KozlowskiTrust Admin Manager
Lois Kozlowski
Lois joined the Trust’s central team in 2022 from a primary school within the Trust, where she gained valuable school administration and process knowledge.
Before joining the Trust, she worked for the NHS, where customer service, problem-solving, planning and executing were critical.
Lois works closely with all the central team who utilise her skillset effectively, providing a key link between the Trust and its Academies, providing support and advice.
Becki AmbroseSchool Improvement Coordinator
Becki Ambrose
Sherree BarranFinance Officer
Sherree Barran
Cameron LewisFinance Apprentice
Cameron Lewis
Cameron joined the Trust's central team in September 2022 as a Finance Apprentice after studying Business and Finance in college. He is a key member of the Trust finance team, supporting colleagues across the family of schools and assisting the Finance Officer and Director of Finance.