In partnership with

The Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust

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The Story Behind our new Logo and Branding

The centrality of the Eucharist, the value of martyrdom, the communion of saints and the importance of unity.

“God’s glory is seen in a human being who is fully alive; and that life is truly full when the person catches a glimpse of God”

St Irenaeus (c.130 – 200)


  • The colours radiating from the monstrance represent the Saints Mary, Malachy, Patrick, Joseph and Paulinus.


  • The Blessed Sacrament in the centre is there to remind us of our Blessed Peter Snow who was martyred because of his testimony for Christ. 


  • Ut unum sint    'That they may be one' represents our vision for a fully inclusive Trust and collaboration with our neighbouring trusts and the Diocese of Leeds.


  • The hands are there to remind us that as Catholics we must embrace all.  Katholikos means universal and our mission is to educate the whole child and every child for a successful life in Britain. 


“The centrality of the Eucharist, the value of martyrdom, the communion of saints and the importance of unity" .

Monsignor Grogan